Penta Podcast: Next-Generation Hospital Bory in a nutshell


Will be healthcare provided at Next-Generation Hospital free of charge? What is the healing environment and what technologies will be used in the hospital?

Next-Generation Hospital Bory has a potential to change Slovak healthcare. Although it will be the most modern hospital in Slovakia, which will be ready to take care of patients with the most severe diagnoses, it will be available to everyone for free – fully covered by public health insurance.

The hospital will be unique not only thanks to its architecture, but also thanks to its internal processes, modern technologies or specialists working in the hospital. In addition, we applied the principles of a healing environment in the hospital and furnished the rooms to a hotel standard to make patients feel more comfortable.

Listen to the next episode of Penta Podcast where Lenka Vargová and Nicole Nevolníková summarize all important information about the hospital, give answers to frequently asked questions and bust some myths.

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