Introducing the details of the Southbank project. Environmental protection will be a priority.


26. March 2024

In 2022, an international architectural and urban planning competition was announced for the area and the winning proposal came from the renowned international architectural studios Snøhetta and Studio Egret West, in collaboration with the local studio gro architekti. The project will introduce 900 apartments and 85,000 square meters of office and retail space to the locality, summing up to a gross floor area of approximately 210,000 square meters.

The parking capacity within the entire project will represent approximately 3,500 parking spaces, the majority of which will be located in underground garages to preserve public space and greenery. Most public amenities will be in the form of retail establishments located on the ground floors of buildings. However, Penta Real Estate is already considering including a kindergarten in the initial stages of the development.

The project will be divided into multiple stages, and it is important to note that the realization of such scope operates with a timeline of approximately ten years. Currently, the architectural study for the first stage is underway, which will introduce five residential buildings and one office building west of the Apollo Bridge. The beginning of construction of the first stage is planned for the end of 2026. The preparation and timing of subsequent stages will depend on the dynamics of the permitting processes and the development of the real estate market.

Public spaces – “Bowls”

The winning architectural proposal works very well with public spaces and valuable fragments of existing greenery within the area, effectively utilizing the terrain to enable the creation of focal points in the form of so-called “bowls,” each with its own identity and function.

The project operates with the concept of five bowls. The play bowl and the relaxation bowl, located near the embankment, will provide opportunities for active recreation for both children and adults. The greenery of the forest bowl will serve as a natural barrier separating the public space from the traffic junction under the Apollo Bridge. The cultural bowl will mark the end of a large central park originating in the New Lido area. And the fifth and final sports bowl, will activate the area under the Apollo Bridge, in close proximity to the embankment.


The Southbank project site is located near the area of European importance, Bratislavské luhy (the Bratislava wetlands), which also encompasses the protected area of Soví les (Owl Forest). The project, however, does not directly interfere with these areas in any way and is separated from them by a flood barrier and permanent grasslands.

With respect to the project’s proximity to natural areas, experts from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and conservation organizations were asked to conduct a preemptive professional evaluation and assessment of the potential indirect impacts arising from the interaction between the urbanized and the natural environment. The expert panel comprised members of the Institute of Botany and the Institute of Zoology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Comenius University, and the Bratislava Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development.

After several months of extensive field surveys, a set of specific recommendations and mitigation measures has been developed, which Penta Real Estate is now implementing into the project at the architectural study phase.

In terms of flora, ecologically significant trees and fragments of Lužný les (Riparian Forest) have been identified and will be integrated into the landscaping arrangements within the bowl concept. As for fauna, a bee species was found that, although not of European importance, is a rare and insufficiently studied species.

In accordance with the recommendations, Penta Real Estate will support its natural habitat by planting urban meadows. The method and frequency of mowing were already adjusted accordingly.

Furthermore, measures will be implemented on the glass facades of buildings to respect bird migration routes, with the aim of minimizing the risk of collisions.

You can find more information about the flora and fauna survey, here.

Changes to the zoning plan

The need to change the zoning plan in this locality primarily stems from the outdated zoning regulations dating back to 2006, which no longer meet the evolving needs of the city and its residents. It needs to be updated to reflect the contemporary principles for creation of a compact, functional, mixed-use city that prioritizes pedestrian, cycling, and public transport infrastructure, along with green urban areas, all while addressing the challenges posed by climate change. Moreover, the changes to the zoning plan will facilitate the introduction of a new tram line, remove the Danube bypass channel in the inundation area, which is not required for water management purposes and has been an obstacle to the long-standing tradition of canoeing in the area.

“The original zoning plan, now nearly 20 years old, requires revision to align with the development of a compact, pedestrian-friendly concept often referred to as the ’15-minute city.’ Failing to utilize vacant spaces within the city center pushes construction towards the outskirts of Bratislava, into the suburbs.  This contradicts the efficient utilization of urban infrastructure, it encourages the use of private cars over public transportation, and goes against the climate and environmental goals,” said Juraj Nevolník, the Managing Director of Penta Real Estate Slovakia.

Activation of the area coming soon

To enable the residents of Bratislava to benefit from the area even before the actual construction begins, Penta Real Estate intends to activate parts of the Southbank project site this calendar year. In collaboration with studio gro architekti, alongside Snøhetta and Studio Egret West, the developer is working on an idea to create a relaxation zone in the future sports bowl area, with the potential to include food services later on. Additionally, east of the Apollo Bridge, in the area set for future development stages, Penta Real Estate with an external partner are preparing a skill park featuring a pump track for cyclists.

For more information about the Southbank project, visit: or listen to the Penta Podcast here.

About Penta Real Estate

Penta Real Estate is one of the platforms of the Central European investment group Penta, established in 1994. Currently, the real estate division of Penta has 26 projects in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and focuses primarily on office spaces, apartments, and retail. By the end of 2022, Penta Real Estate managed assets worth more than 1.16 billion EUR.

The company’s objective is to build projects that contribute to the urban development of a specific area. Therefore, they collaborate with top-of-the-class experts, architects, and engineers. Many years of experience in the real estate market, combined with creativity and determination, guarantee the highest quality and investment value of Penta Real Estate’s property portfolio.

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