A rare visit to Victoria Palace development in Prague 6


We welcomed a rare and special visitor to Victoria Palace last week. Prague Mayor, Mr. Bohuslav Svoboda, accompanied by Mayor of Prague 6 district Mr. Jakub Starek as well as other guests, stopped by for a short excursion to this beautiful part of Prague.

Together with Penta Real Estate partner Mark Dospiva and Kaprain Group owner Mr. Karl Pražák, they have inspected the almost completed construction of the residential project and the unique views from the building towards Vítězné náměstí and Hradčany, as well as the Intercontinental hotel and the Vltava valley on the opposite side.

During this visit, we have also presented to the mayor the proposals of the finalists of the international architectural competition for the completion of the neighboring 4th quadrant of Vítězné náměstí. We will present the winners of this competition in a few days. Thanks to this further planned development, Victory Square will take on its final shape, as architect and urban planner Antonín Engel has intended back in the days of the First Republic.

Plans for the completion of the square are progressing thanks to the exemplary cooperation of the developers with the city district of Prague 6 and the neighboring University of Chemistry and Technology (VŠCHT), as well as with the involvement of the local public.

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