The winners of the architectural and urban planning competition for the project with the working title...
2. March 2023
Work on the Juliska residential project is in full swing even during the (so far mild) winter! We have...
28. February 2023
At the beginning of the month, the third stage of the Bory Bývanie project received a valid occupancy...
17. February 2023
Construction of the new ZLEEP hotel, which has emerged next to our Metalica and Legatica office buildings...
15. February 2023
At the end of January, we have received a building permit for the reconstruction of the historical part of...
9. February 2023
On the second stage of the Bory Bývanie project, we are fine-tuning the remaining details. Works in the...
3. February 2023
Every year, we participate in an employee satisfaction and motivation survey. Kincentric Best Employers,...
2. February 2023
The construction of the last stage of the Pri Mýte project has already reached the halfway point in terms of...
30. January 2023
At yesterday’s Realitní projekt roku, which has taken place in Prague’s Budhabar, we have...
27. January 2023
The construction of the rough superstructure of the next MOTEL ONE Hotel in Prague 1 is coming to an end....
19. January 2023
At the end of last year, we signed a cooperation agreement with the Bratislava City Hall to extend the...
12. January 2023
At the beginning of this year, Bory Hospital obtained a valid medical facility operation permit for a...
10. January 2023