8. July 2021
The story of BCT project dates back to 2008 when we launched the refurbishment of the old Tesla VÚST building. The research institute was established with a vision to become a development center of strategic importance. That is why the locality has been predetermined to become a technology hub of the whole region. Three years since the reconstruction of the building has commenced, we opened our first office project in Košice – BCT1.
In 2015, the construction of the second phase, which ranks among our most successful projects, began. At the time the building got an occupancy permit, it was fully let to tenants like T-Systems, Deloitte, Dôvera or Colonnade.
We are glad that we have successfully developed a technology park with two office buildings with a total area of more than 32 000 sq meters, which offered their tenants modern offices and accommodating workplace. The third phase, BCT3 building, is in development phase and after its completion, it will be a capstone of the whole BCT – technology park project